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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Email Marketing for Creatives - 19th September 2018


Email Marketing for Creatives - 19th September 2018

sold out

Email Marketing for Creatives - 19th September 2018


Wednesday 19th September | 4:30pm - 6pm

If you have reserved your place via the gallery, please make payment here. 

This workshop will take place at Creates Gallery, 15 Church Street, Monmouth.

Are you an artist or maker and want to learn how to use email marketing for your business?

There are lots of opportunities and we will be discussing which ones will best suit you, how they work together and what these opportunities can bring to your business.

This workshop is perfect for you if you want to know how to create engaging newsletters and increase your subscribers.

During the workshop we will cover:

  • Opportunities of Email Marketing

  • Setting up your MailChimp account

  • How newsletters can interact your audience

  • How to increase your subscribers

Refreshments will be available throughout the workshop.

You will need to bring a laptop or iPad (or equivalent) to the workshop, WiFi will be provided.

Please contact the gallery direct for further information.

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