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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth



Please click on the images to see more of the artists’ work

Pat Handley

Paul Hatton

Warren Day


Mark Beresford

Anita Davies

Paul Burgess


Mike Skidmore

Angela Palmer

Kip Kavallares


Sadie Aucott

Rebecca Evans


Vernon W Jones


Nia Mackeown

Oswaldo Merchor

Michael Barnfather


Melanie Cormack-Hicks

Teresa Wells

Lynn Jones


Doug Eaton

Jeanette Hannaby

Steven Outram RBA


Deborah Harrison

Anna Cumming


Isobel Barber


Mary Edwards

Rosalyn Chicken


Tia Lambert

Helen Higgins

Kerry Thompson


Patricia Northcroft

Anne Campbell

Valerie James