Howard Jones
Howard Jones
Born in 1957 Howard Jones has been a full time artist since 2009.
Having a strong desire for the “contemporary” it is fair to say that Howard’s need for self expression is paramount.
As a child in the sixties, he was extremely fortunate to have seen many parts of Europe due to his parent’s nomadic excursions. These early life experiences of European towns and cities still influence his compositions by reappearing from memory like dusty old sketches. For much of his early work, landscapes became the main subject matter, for which he still has a penchant. However, Howard has never felt comfortable resting on his laurels and more recently we see a leaning towards him producing images with more allegorical content.
2017 saw an unprecedented interest in Howard’s work from a number of eminent galleries. This particular body of work was mostly made up of Welsh land and townscapes. The style of this work was very much in the loose and impressionistic ilk.
Despite this success, Howard still takes the view that another page must be turned “ I want to be producing something that is more personal to me. I truly believe that the best stuff resides in the soul. I am always delighted of course when other people find favour in my work, but first, it has to please me!”.