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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Tree of Life

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Tree of Life


Tree of Life


A rendition of a Japanese blossom tree on an acrylic background. The background has added texture from scratching into the canvas with a repurposed chopstick. A tree was drawn in white ink. A variety of found threads were used to add texture to the tree. Leaves and blossom were added using pages from a second hand Japanese book. Colour was added using oil pastels.

40.5 by 50.5cm portrait

Acrylic paint, pen and ink, stitch, paper, oil pastels, beads

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Jennie Burge

Jennie is a mixed media artist who likes to explore a variety of materials and methods. Pushing them to see what else she can create. She uses repurposed found treasures within her creations, demonstrating that things that might be thrown away or discarded can be turned it treasures to enjoy today. She stitches into her creations to add texture.