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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Strange Times

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Strange Times

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Strange Times


100x100 cm

acrylic on canvas

a large painting of a rather menacing fish

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Dorothy Morris

Dorothy is influenced by her location, living by the waters edge and working in an idyllic environment.....
As an experienced art teacher, lecturer and practicing artist who has exhibited widely in Wales and Britain in selected exhibitions and also abroad including Russia, Dorothy is well qualified to teach a broad range of art activities at all levels.

She has a BA (hons) in Fashion and Textiles and also an MA in Fine Art which she gained from The Swansea Institute of Higher Education.· She works in a wide range of materials including textiles, ceramics, mixed media and more traditional mediums such as watercolours and acrylics. Not afraid of experimenting, Dorothy is forever exploring new materials and processes but draws her inspiration from her environment especially Ferryside her home village.