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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth


Emerging Artist Award 2021





L297mm / H210mm (L420mm /H298mm with card frame)

Black biro ball point pen on 220gsm cartridge paper

Stood on the island of Warnley looking towards the lakes with Black Comb in the distance. A outcrop of trees shelting boats, awaiting patiently to float down Warnley channel again.

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Scott Reynolds

With not having a lot of money to spend in art materials I have adapted to use what I can. In result I found my love for using the humble ball point to draw with. My work have always been rough but I feel that what gives my work it character. Where I live I'm surrounded in beautiful landscapes and my work shows some of these sights.