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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Seated nude

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Seated nude


Seated nude


Height 64. Width 59 (including frame)


Seated nude back view on grey paper from life model.

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Bryony Jordan

Since childhood Bryony has tapped into her creativity by drawing, modelling clay and painting. Her work includes life drawing, sculpture and landscape although life drawing has been a central to her art work for the past twenty five years. She prefers to work from the life model to paint, draw and sculpt. Bryony uses oil, soft pastel, water colour and charcoal. Terracotta clay is her preferred medium for sculpture. Her work is mainly representational inspired by the infinite gestures and forms of the life model.
Her work has been exhibited at The Albany Gallery, Cardiff, Taurus crafts Lydney, Oriel Gallery Crickhowell, The Market House Ross, Y galeri Caerffili and Creates Gallery Monmouth (Emerging Artist), The Secret Gallery, Newent.