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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Say Something

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Say Something


Say Something


Hollow Form Ring.

Two little people standing up for what they believe.

All throughout our lives, we are exposed to a phenomenal amount of negative information, whether it be international conflict, political issues or problems on a personal scale. This can – understandably – be overwhelming at times. A part of the programming in our brains results in negative bias. This means we tend to focus on and therefore remember the more upsetting, hurtful or humiliating moments over the ones that truly make our hearts sing.

Watching people come together as a massive community, made up of all kinds of people, from all walks of life, standing up for what they believe in, is a magical thing. This little piece was designed to celebrate that, and empower and encourage more of it.

26mm wide x 32mm tall, 53mm including the people. 35g. 17mm wide band. Ring size: R 1/2.

Sterling Silver, Melted Brass Shells

10% of this sale will go to MSF.

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Emily Smith

Emily Smith is a designer-maker with an exploratory spirit. She experiments with different metals and techniques to craft wearable and decorative objects. Gathering inspiration from an amalgam of ideas intertwined with humanity, her current work revolves around emotional interactions and connections between people.

This selection of work is from the Make Jewellery Not War collection. Put simply, this collection was an attempt at taking something with negative connotations, but making sure that the positive undertones are the main focus.