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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Rough Sea at Fossil Beach

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Rough Sea at Fossil Beach


Rough Sea at Fossil Beach


50cm x 70cm

Acrylic on Canvas

A very humbling spot along the Heritage Coastline, Ogmore by Sea, Vale of Glamorgan. Riddled with fossils we can take comfort knowing that no one is forgotten over time. Layers of beautiful carboniferous limestone demanding I maximise my yellow, red and blue limited palette before adding whites to create my greys. As the sea comes in and the light changes I watch the greys turn to purples and blues.

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Francine Davies

Inspired by the energetic feedback from natural environments I have felt compelled over time to find ways of expressing and sharing it through art. I am self taught and rely mostly on my background in Geography and Geology when I paint. I am fascinated with the movement of the sea, the feel of seawater and the positive benefits these environments hold for us. Furthermore, I am drawn to the textures and colours of the coastline and the impact of light and water on them. I spend considerable time in the sea and around our local coastline studying and experiencing my chosen subject. I strive to bring to my work a sensory element to help the viewer connect with a scene. Sometimes this is achieved through texture other times this is achieved through how I move the paint across the canvas.

I feel very much a novice at what I do yet quietly confident of my intentions when I am painting. I think it is this tension that adds a rawness to a scene that often surprises me. I get so much pleasure talking to people about how they feel about a painting and why they choose it. I love sitting and listening to them reminisce and interpret things that I could never have realised yet some how enabled through my work.