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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth


Emerging Artist Award 2021


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This piece takes an old oak root that I found in my local woods covered in moss, dirt and other plant life. Married with wire work of an old oak tree. The picture really doesn’t do it justice as you can’t see all of the intricate work of the wood, the roots, the branches and the leaves.

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Hannah Duffield

From a very young age I have been inspired by nature, my surroundings and looking at things in a slightly different way.
This year has been unlike any other. Due to working in tourism, I have been able to take some time to pursue my passion. Being creative, getting back to nature and finding little gems that most people would walk right past.
I am extremely proud of how rooted it has made me feel given the turmoil that has been 2020.