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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

River Severn, Llanidloes Powys

Emerging Artist Award 2021

River Severn, Llanidloes Powys


River Severn, Llanidloes Powys


46 x 61 cm


This painting of the River Severn is done in Acrylic paint with palette knife. I used a couple of different palette knives to create texture and depth. This artwork is fairly abstract. It is colourful and uplifting, but also a little melancholic. I used a total of 6 or 7 paint colours altogether. I mixed the paints a lot together, to create different shades. It is a fresh looking piece of art, but in a way; there is something in the way its painted, that makes it appear sad or like its part of the past and not of today. I thoroughly enjoyed painting this piece and would like to create a series of artworks in palette knife based on the River Severn and history of Llanidloes; the town where I live.

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Charlotte Lloyd

I am a fine artist who works in a variety of different mediums. I mainly draw and paint; using oils or acrylics, but I sometimes create textile art and homemade felt crafts. I currently create art in my spare time as a hobby; working from my home in Powys, Wales.

My acrylic painting is of part of the River Severn that runs through my hometown; Llanidloes. I have spent many a sunny day sitting on one of the benches looking out at the river; watching the wildlife and watching as people come and go. This river has a special place in my heart. It is a very peaceful area, full of life and colour. I have always lived in Llanidloes. The beautiful scenery and wildlife make this town a very special place to live. I wanted to show that uniqueness, that vibrancy and joy of life in my painting. I used palette knife to sometimes plaster the paint on, whilst at other times, smooth out the paint thinly. I use plenty of colour and shape in my work and often my work is slightly abstract. Llanidloes has a rich history too; the River Severn, famous market hall and many local stalls line the streets on a Saturday morning. I love living here and I hope to show my enthusiasm and love for this town; by capturing the River Severn through the vast expression of paint.