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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Regatta '21

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Regatta '21


Regatta '21


40cm x 40cm

Acrylic on canvas


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Tracey Lewis

Tracey Lewis spent her childhood living by the coast in Wales UK. She developed her interest in painting initially in college and later throughout studying interior design.

She continued to develop her interest in painting, travel photography and evening classes in oil painting. Studying interior design for 3 years also developed an interest in architectural drawing and composition.

Tracey paints in a variety of styles and techniques, mostly working in acrylic on canvas.

She has produced large, semi-abstract paintings for commercial spaces, as well as a range of colourful seascapes, city and landscapes influenced by the urban and coastal communities she has lived in.

Never committing herself to one style, her work continues to evolve and change directions, seemingly with the wind, resulting in each piece evoking either a sense of wild chaos or serene reflection.