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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth


Emerging Artist Award 2021





61 x91x4 cm

acrylic on canvas

This is a 61 x 91 x 4 cm, semi abstract textured artwork created with acrylics on canvas.

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Marina Emphietzi

An award-winning neo-expressionist artist creating land and seascapes in a semi abstract style mostly inspired by the marine environment.

Marina’s work explores issues of time, life, and memory.

With influences as diverse as J.M.W.Turner (1775-1851) ‘and the Greek mythology, her creations become pathways for understanding the connections we share as humans with each other and with the natural world that surrounds us now and in the past. Marina’s strong bond with the sea symbolises the journey of life. Time, happiness, sadness, dreams, even infinity; these are all linked together. It is the energy that surrounds us and gives us life.

‘I grew up in a house by the sea in Famagusta, Cyprus, a home I lost in the trauma of war, and although I didn’t set out to produce art about anything specific, as my portfolio developed over the years I realised that the pleasure and energy I was getting from painting was when I focused on water, boats, beaches, marinas, wet stones and rocks, subjects emanating from childhood memories of my early life by the sea’.

Working process and challenges:
Marina creates paintings with many textures, robust energy and a playful style. Creating in strong tonal variations and stunning synthesis she takes under consideration atmospheric whims and constantly challenges her own talent by trying to experiment with subject matters and techniques for new creative effects.