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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Ko Lanta, Thailand 2019

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Ko Lanta, Thailand 2019


Ko Lanta, Thailand 2019



Aluminium print

Boys with a motorbike in Ko Lanta

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Gweniver Exton

I have always been a creative person and this creativity flows through every avenue of my life. I was nurtured creatively from a young age with artistic parents and I studied art through school and college, to later go on to study Photojournalism and Documentary Photography in University.
I enjoy working with people and documenting and telling their stories through images. I consider myself a location portrait photographer, reflecting how individuals portray themselves within their comfortable, safe environments. I am interested in human life and the human condition, what makes us who we are, and how the space around us reflects that.
Since travelling South East Asia for three months in 2019, I fell in love with travel photography as well, it is the fascination with people, culture and life that brings it alive for me. I was absorbed into a new world of colour and beauty unlike I had seen before and I am so eager to explore the world around me further when it is safe to do so.