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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

The Kenyan Boy

Emerging Artist Award 2021

The Kenyan Boy


The Kenyan Boy


I use bold colours instead of the normal skin tone colours to create dimensions on his face.



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Aisha Keeney

I am a UK based artist and a mother of 3. During the 2020 lockdown and in the midst of loss, despair and uncertainty, art found me and I found solace in my art.

As a child I always had a passion for drawing, painting, scribbling on any surface I could find. But it was not until October 2020, after I was gifted with a drawing table from a dear friend and subsequently gifted with canvases, that I decided to enrol onto the Bold Colour course and the rest is history.

I love studying people, objects, nature and translating their natural beauty onto my canvas, capturing what my soul sees.