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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

It rained again last night

Emerging Artist Award 2021

It rained again last night

'It rained again last night'.jpg
'It rained again last night'.jpg
sold out

It rained again last night


30.5x30.5cm with Tray Frame 32.5x32.5 cm

Mixed Media on Ply Board

Saturated colours are usually secondary in my work, this predominantly strong blue was a surprise which led to the exploration of opposites. The light shapes indicated puddles lending to a feeling of wetness. Adding the fine active lines into the blue brought in the sense of bouncing raindrops and sparkle after a downpour.

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Anita Davies

Creativity and the arts have always helped me to make sensed of the world. Currently my interest and curiosity is about the cross over between the sub-conscious and thinking awareness. Using an intuitive/abstract painting approach lends itself to a process of experimentation where feelings and philosophical meanderings mix with a sense of the natural world.
Dancing between risk and technique I go through the challenges of uncertainty, keeping out of my head initially, and then back into a myriad of choices to incorporate a sense of light, looseness and spaciousness. Working mainly with acrylics and keeping the size easy to manage, allows me to have man images on the go at any one time, so that periods of reflective meditation become part of my process.
My journey started with a love of the Impressionists, followed by the American Expressionist Abstract painters and into Conceptual Art. Today I aim for a perspective that is unique and genuine to me. Working with colour excites me as I use it to create a sense of mood or place. I love that giving reflective time to the work may bring out new understandings..