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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Grey Seal at Stockholm

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Grey Seal at Stockholm

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Grey Seal at Stockholm


94cm x 54.5xcm


This beautiful Bull Atlantic Grey Seal was basking and playing in the beautiful crystal clear sea in the small harbour at Stockholm. I loved the interplay between the refracted light and reflected light below the Seal’s head .

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Graham Anderson

As an Artist I am deeply connected to our environment and not only the wildlife that inhabits it but the patterns and forms that are interconnected with the animal or bird . Having lived all my life by the sea it is inevitable that it plays a frequent indivisible partner to the image subject .
My Great grandfather taught the wonderful Artist Sir Alfred Munnings as a young pupil in Norwich so I guess painting is in my blood . I set up and ran an art shop and then Gallery for 15 years before returning to quiet of my studio to concentrate on painting and picture framing. I am also a potter and have become fascinated in the alchemy of glazes and the incredible beauty that lies in natural materials. My Hairy Potter live throw down feeds have become quite popular !