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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Graffiti Queen

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Graffiti Queen

Grafitti Queen  600x800mm Ian Mackenzie.jpg
Grafitti Queen  600x800mm Ian Mackenzie.jpg

Graffiti Queen


60cm wide x 80cm tall

Oil on Canvas

An oil painting capturing a graffiti artist who turns to defend her art.

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Ian Mackenzie

Ian Mackenzie is an artist living in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales.

At an early age, Ian found a love for art, capturing life on paper and canvas. However, having studied art in school, he was advised of the lack of a career prospect in the subject and therefore followed a different path in life, much to the disbelief of his art teacher.

Many years later, realizing the love he had missed all those years, he returned to the easel and soon found the desire once more. Apart from some evening classes at an early stage, Ian is self-taught, now working from his own dedicated studio.

He recently became a No 1 BEST-SELLING AUTHOR with his book called “The Storytelling Artist – The Road to Controversial Art”. This is a semi-autobiographical account of his fascinating journey to date, and the influences that have resulted in his unique developing range of Luxury and Controversial Artwork.

The phrase ‘Violence, Politics, Victims, Police, with a helping of Ian’s Contemporary Artwork’ best sums up the book and his current direction.

With influences from the figurative work of artists such as Caravaggio and the modern art of Mitch Griffiths, he has been inspired to create paintings that depict society and its ever-changing view of people and their behaviour. He has become the Storytelling Artist through oil on canvas.

He has exhibited in a number of galleries in Wales and the West Country and is constantly sought for commissioned work.