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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Go Gently

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Go Gently


Go Gently


30cm x 30cm. In St Ives frame, overall dimensions 45.5cm x 45.5cm

Oil on linen board

This is about the lull after a storm, when the storm is leaving and all is starting to settle.

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Sylvia Wadsley

I am a contemporary landscape painter living and practicing near Stroud in South West England. Since childhood I have felt a sense of belonging with nature. I grew up in The Fens and have a particular affinity with flatlands and seascapes. My frequent travels have introduced me to many other types of landscapes – beautiful and wild, magical and sublime.
I paint in oils using an intuitive approach, exploring techniques and process. I try to capture our connectivity with nature by evoking mood and emotion. Some works reflect my unease about our disconnection caused by the alienating effects of urbanisation, rapid technological advance, and climate change.
I distil all these feelings of connection and disconnection into my work, seeking to represent landscape as both sublime, poetic and beautiful and at times exploited and endangered. I leave it to the viewer to see the landscape and perhaps beyond.