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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Fissure II

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Fissure II


Fissure II


Mounted print 470mm x 350mm

Pencil, Ink, Paint and Digital

Digital print
Limited edition of 6
Signed and Mounted
Framed on request - £25.00

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James Young

I have always been inspired by landscape, particularly by the relationship between landscape and time. Impermanence within the natural world, and human activity in transforming it, is endlessly fascinating. Many of my landscapes are inspired by the sea and shorelines of North Devon. It is an extraordinary part of the world, constantly shaped by weather and sea. It is this sense of timeless change that photography alone cannot do justice to, the medium itself subject to its invention in time. While photography provides an excellent means to capture realism within my work, only by building the image in pencil, ink and paint can a representation of that timelessness be achieved, while giving me the tools to capture the unique coastal light of the area. It has always been my intent to use both traditional and digital media in such a way that both become integral to my work. My working methods are inspired by those artists who regard digital technology not as a means in itself, but as another tool and material within art practice. In beginning my work in pencil and paint, and using digital as a tool, I hope to show how art is still very much a human activity. I believe it should define us.

Currently applying for a MA Illustration at UWTSD.