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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Coscienza Intuitiva

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Coscienza Intuitiva


Coscienza Intuitiva


Coscienza Intuitiva aims to emphasize the lack of content, of language, of meaning, not simply based on the super-collection and sharing of images: rather as a part of a social relationship between people that is mediated by images. Repeated, shared, liked. Where Truth becomes a moment of falsehood. Representation has become a simulation of the meaning of the present through superfluous repetition of any image, figure, iconography, and the reason has become a simulation through fake experiences. The project speculates on the concept of language, expressed as an idea affected in time and configuration. Driven by a compilation process that visualizes the complexity of the current digital age, its fragmentation and acceleration, the accumulation and ubiquity of objects and images. Trying to elaborate a new visual language based on the amalgamation and supercollection. A language as an evolving vessel, in which society outproducts, identified as objects of daily consumption, artifacts of the banality, collides with ruins and fragments embodying historical and cultural value. A visual Clash, depicting moments and events, through society outproducts such as toys, meme and figures. Highlighting the value of the leftover and at the same time sculpting a reminiscence of specific junctures in time. The proposal identified in the form of an architectural fragment, a column, that speculates on a new visual language, composed by the amalgamation and mutation of cultural elements, as iconographies and elements of popular culture.

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federico fauli

Federico graduated in Architecture (BA) at the Politecnico of Milan in 2015 and received his Diploma from the Architectural Association in 2018.
Since 2018 he has been working at the Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Genova, up to early 2019 when he joined Zaha Hadid Architects in London. While working for international architectural firms, he has been practising independently winning design competition. Winner of The Renzo Piano Building Workshop Sponsorship, among other awards such as the MAD Fellowship, the Tamayouz International Award and the African Architecture Award. His work has been widely published on magazines, books and digital platforms such as Archdaily, The Architects’ Journal, Bustler, AZURE, Arch20, The Archiologist, and on AA publications such as the book “Scavengers & Other Creatures in Promised Lands”.
He experiments with fabrication techniques and materials as instruments to question the faceted nature of architectural practices while researching iconographical gestures enabling the mutual immanence among objects, rituals and bodies.

Exploring how it triggers unconventional spatial languages, between geometrical abstraction and figurative instances. He participated as a guest in several Juries and Crits at both the Architectural Association and the Politecnico of Milan. Selected to showcase at the Soeul Biennale 2021, Mextropoli 2021, Contemporary Venice and Future Is Now international.

From 2019 is an active collaborator of Lemonot (Mextropoli Pavilion 2020), Pump3000, Rug Artisan Ltd, LV Architects, and working on Future collaborations with AllRightReserved.