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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

The Divine Feminine - Confident in the Self

Emerging Artist Award 2021

The Divine Feminine - Confident in the Self


The Divine Feminine - Confident in the Self


100 x 100cm

acrylic on canvas

The Divine Feminine - Confident in the Self depicts just that a woman confident in her own skin, confident in her natural abilities and the gifts she has been given to share with the world, to lead with confident compassion when required.

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Kirsten Todd

Brush in hand since a child, Kirsten gained a degree in graphic design and pursued a career in design for over 25 years, while continuing to paint.
Painting is her passion and her purpose and she is now concentrating fully on painting
professionally. Specialising in portraits and abstracts with an expressionist style, Kirsten works mainly in acrylics and tries to capture, vibrancy, energy, strength, balance and beauty within her work.
Her latest series of portraits “Rise of the Divine Feminine” highlights the rise of the Divine
Feminine energy within us all (male and female) at this time of great change, aiming to bring balance to our inner world and thus by extension our outer world and the planet. Her work celebrates strong women, giving women a much needed voice, vibrancy, balance, beauty within all of us and all living things and cultural diversity.
From the beginning when you view Kirsten’s work the strength and energy of vibrant colour only augments the expression of vulnerability. These beautiful studies of women whose strength is suddenly put away in a vulnerable moment reveal what is not said…. but there for all to see.

Kirsten herself strives to speak her authentic truth, find her voice and be heard through her work, her own strength and vulnerability is seen within the paintings as she puts her whole self and her own channeled energy into each piece, thus hopefully giving the recipient the energy they need allbeit on a subconscious level.