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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Clasped Hands

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Clasped Hands


Clasped Hands


30cm x 20cm

Watercolour pencils on paper

Found photo on internet, struck a chord with the texture and colours of the ageing skin.

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Sue Pilborough

The trigger could be a texture, a form, an essence. Playing with different materials I explore the intuitive interpretation to develop the outcome. My 3D creations are generally not deliberate but in my subconscious. They evolve, and as I work with the various ingredients so it transpires.

I find creating is an interpretation of the inherent me: experiences, thoughts and instinctive impulses. By manipulating different elements I am able to find an expression.