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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth


Emerging Artist Award 2021





‘Brewing' is a self portrait and depicts a very personal moment of my route of escape during lockdown. While being isolated I had to actively look for moments of comfort within the confines of my home and I found that, more than ever, a bubble bath and a hot cup of tea was that release. Lockdown also allowed me to really focus on my painting practice and experiment with my style and provided a kind of therapy that allowed me to express myself. Through the action of painting this experience it was the act of painting that then became the release. I had to overcome moments of discomfort, first being photographed in this very intimate position and then analysing the details of my own form, as I am never usually the subject of my own work. The most difficult idea to overcome was to then share this piece and invite people into the experience. The piece for me has become a point of personal reflection and a symbol of my experience of lockdown.

Oil on Canvas

120 x 80 cm

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Abi McGourlay

I am a Sheffield based Fine Artist and currently study Fine Art at The University of Leeds where I work across both painting and sculpture. My work explores themes of materiality, fragility, imposition and a sense of personal empowerment. My piece Brewing won The Arts Societies Isolation Competition and the global pandemic has massively impacted my relationship with the painting medium and how I see myself within the artistic community. I am also a Wellbeing rep within Leeds University and always advocate for the arts within wellbeing.