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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Bare Boughs Which Shake Against The Cold

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Bare Boughs Which Shake Against The Cold

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Bare Boughs Which Shake Against The Cold



Acrylic On Canvas

Painted "en plein air" in Windsor Great Park. I set out to depict the bleakness of a midwinter day. The title is taken from Shakespeare's Sonnet 73. In this poem, the year grows old, as Shakespeare does himself. It is cold, the birds have flown, the branches are stark and bare. The boughs are personified - they shake like people.

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Sally Anne Wake Jones

Sally Anne Wake Jones studied art at London University College of Education. She had her first solo exhibition at the Century Gallery, Henley and has exhibited her paintings in galleries in the South East. Her work is featured in REGARD Edition in Paris. She divides her time between her art and the family business, Guinea Pig Education, which sells educational material all over the world.

Sally Anne, and husband Peter, a chartered surveyor by profession, share a love of the natural environment. For the last three years, they have worked together on canvases to create a unique collection of paintings that portray the historic parkland at Windsor Great Park. Painting “en plein air”, the paintings are inspired by the beauty of God’s creation: depicting the art forms of ancient oaks (a tree symbolic of divine providence); the cycle of life and decay; and the flat, wide landscape - that rolls on like the ever changing seasons. The paintings are large, spontaneous statements infused with light and express our worship and praise to our Creator.

They are frequent visitors to the South of France. The intense light of that region has influenced the bold use of colour and scintillating light effects in their work.