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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth


Emerging Artist Award 2021





30cm by 29cm (Approx)

Handbuilt stoneware

Handbuilt stoneware figure of the martyr Arilda.

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Vivienne Albiston

I studied Ceramics at The West Wales School of the Arts in Carmarthen. I am interested in Ceramics and Printmaking. The magical landscape I live in, both inspires and informs much of my practise. For me, clay is a beautiful medium to work with, amenable to being sculpted, thrown, handbuilt, there are just endless possibilities. For the last two years I have been experimenting in both drawing and sculpting the human form. Evolving techniques which are new to me and greatly enjoying the discoveries I am making.