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15 Church Street
Monmouth, Wales, NP25 3BX
United Kingdom

07535 160712

Creates Gallery, Monmouth

Almost There

Emerging Artist Award 2021

Almost There

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Almost There



Oil on canvas board

Oil painting of the sun setting with the silhouette of a tree in the foreground, in a snowy day in December. I captured the image on a late afternoon dog walk on the Malverns, looking towards Wales, and painted it using palette knives and riggers in the warmth of my studio.

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Anna Cumming

I am a Scottish oil painter, happiest when yielding a palette knife throwing paint on to a canvas thick and fast. I paint expressively, and intuitively, and love to create interesting marks. Many I couldn’t repeat if I tried, but there is joy for me in a random mark or colour, where by rights it shouldn’t be, but it just works.

I’m interested in light and colour, and try to create mood, movement and energy in a landscape or seascape, since that is the reality that is often lost in an image.